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- Do not rip the basecode
- Do not edit the layout and CSS. Just add your sidebar content and pages ^^
- Email us for PHP or HTML version
- Newest at the bottom


Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar navigation

Featuring : CL of 2NE1

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar navigation

Featuring : Hoya of Infinite

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Horizontal Navigation

Featuring : Teen Top

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar Navigation

Featuring : Wooyoung of 2PM

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar Navigation

Featuring : Troublemaker

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Horizontal Navigation

Featuring : Exo

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Horizontal Navigation

Featuring : Nu'Est

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : One

Navigation : Horizontal Navigation

Featuring : Tiffany of SNSD

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar Navigation

Featuring : 2PM

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar Navigation

Featuring : 4Minute

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar Navigation

Featuring : After School

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar Navigation

Featuring : B1A4

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar Navigation

Featuring : Dongwoo of Infinite

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Sidebar Navigation

Featuring : Miss A

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Horizontal Navigation

Featuring : B.A.P

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Horizontal Navigation

Featuring : Big Bang

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Vertical Navigation

Featuring : Exo M

Action : Preview || Download

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Vertical Navigation

Featuring : Shinee

Action : Preview || Blogger || HTML || Header Only

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Vertical Navigation

Featuring : B2ST

Action : Preview || Blogger || Header Only

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Vertical Navigation

Featuring : FT Island

Action : Preview || Blogger || Header Only

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Vertical Navigation

Featuring : B2ST

Action : Preview || Blogger

Layout Type : Blogger

No. Of Column : Two

Navigation : Vertical Navigation

Featuring : SNSD Yoona

Action : Preview || Blogger ||


DATE: 1/29/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages

28012012 - Freebies!

Hello everyone! How was your chinese New Year celebration? did you receive plenty of ang paos? I'm sure the celebration is awesome and I enjoyed myself during the CNY eve as well. It is fun to see the family members of my Chinese neighbour (this family was responsible for instilling the love of Taiwanese songs to me lol) coming home for the grand dinner. Later at night, there were fireworks every where and that is what makes CNY beautiful.

For an update, I am now working on the request, and I am now back in my warden residential house in Johore. I am planning to get myself a wireless modem so that I can download and upload things faster, but I have to wait for my salary first. keke~ anyway, it has been a while since we offer you freebies isn't it? Well, sit back and relax because here are the list of the freebies uploaded by me and Nana Unnie. Before that, let's congratulate Nana Unnie for winning the song cover project hosted by Timeless Academy! You should listen to the re-run which will be uploaded by Timeless Academy soon. Once the link is up, I will share it with you.

Freebies by Chazzie

Do you need a character chart for your story? cut the cue and make your own by using our ready made template. Simply add the characters, and also the story title and you're ready to post it on your AFF page. click here to download

Freebies by Nana Unnie

These and more forum signature to be downloaded here!

Pynkfaery is open for request! go get yourself requested ^^

Till then, take care!

DATE: 1/28/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages

19012012 - Status updated

Hello everyone! How are you? Ah, it feels like I haven't been here since forever! I am now updating from my new house, in Johore. The Internet is not that fast, but I cant complain much, can't I? maybe I should install wifi in this house? haha~ so yeah, thank you for visiting this site, although the fact that I said there that I'm on open hiatus. Rejoice, I'm back! and so does pynkfaery! You hear it right, kid. Pynkfaery is back and ready to accept request. Her wallpapers and posters are so beautiful! You can request from here via dorkistic, or go straight to her portfolio

I've updated the status page, so please leave us message on the Cbox if your name is not there, and to those who applied for advertisement, I shall look at it and upload them all by this weekend. Thank you for requesting and Chinese New Year is coming soon! Hmmm, maybe I should change the layout to red? keke~ have a great Thursday everyone!

DATE: 1/19/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages

17012012 - OPEN HIATUS

Starting from today, Chazzie will be on open hiatus. The requests that are in the list will be done (they're 90% done. I'm coding them) and sent to the owner asap. Those who sent us request, we will accept it but it might take longer for us to finish. I will be back home for the Chinese New Year and once I settled down at the new place (the latest, by this month) The site will fully open again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for visiting and please check out our awesome affiliates as well as our adorable link exchange sites.

DATE: 1/15/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages

07012012 - Because we all love Teen Top

So, can't get enough of the Teen Top's layout that we made yesterday? Pynkfaery made a few mobile ringtone of their songs.

Click to download

DATE: 1/08/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages

06012012 : Teen Top and Jang Wooyoung

A very short update for you guys. I've uploaded two new layouts for Blogger, and they're now available for download ^^ For all website owners out there, stay tuned because I will officially announce the Site Of The Month event, as well as Requester of The Week. The second event is specially made for our awesome requester and we will put you on our site too ^^ I will post the full information tomorrow. Here are the preview of our new goodies :

You can download them here

Enjoy your weekend!

DATE: 1/06/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages

05012012 : Status, and new freebies

Hello there! Dorkistic.Net is pretty quiet these days since everyone has received their layouts. I've updated the status page and your request will probably be done by Saturday. Do check back again soon! We will also email you to inform about it. We also have one new Link Exchange site, which is La Victoire. Do visit her if you have time because you will be surprised with her awesome layout! Other sites are sporting new layouts including AwesomeNoobs, Untouchable Desires, Ravenous and also Superholicc. Who is Superholicc? Well, it's the new name of Fortissimo! They're now with a new name and you should check them out there. I'm happy that our site, Dorkistic.Net is on their "featured site" section. Go visit them all because you will be awed by their uber cool layouts!

And we've got three new wallpapers for you. It has been a while since any of us make new freebies, but new year means new resolution, right? We will bring you with new freebies everytime we update our site. Have you print out Nana's 2012 calendar? you should because it came out pretty! I will take pictures of mine and will show it to you later. Today's freebies are three wallpapers! Here is the preview.

click here to download

good night!

DATE: 1/05/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages

02012012 : 9 Twitter Background

Hiya Dorkies! How are you doing? It's the third day of January and for Malaysian students, school is opening very soon! And for the other countries, Xmas break is over and school has started as well, isn't it? Back to site's update, I am thankful to the requester who sent us messages on the cbox informing that they have picked up the layout. I hope you will love the layout and so does your visitors ^^ I also received few more advertisement application at the AFF thread that I opened, and I will add your sites asap. Thank you for applying. And to our dear visitors and friends, why don't you check out the sites that we advertise up there? And to site owners, if you want your site to be added there, just submit the form at the AFF thread that I provided. I am still outlining the SOTM criteria, and as I chat with Arom and Rxnkim on Twitter today, I came out with another project, which I'm sure would be a fun one for you to join, especially those with a website or blog. The project will be organized at AwaitingLove. I will inform you once the project is up.

I am still coding the three blogskins that I made for you few days ago, but the Twitter background is available for download now! It's featuring B1A4 and 2NE1. Hehe, I am running out of idea who to feature and I didn't realize that I ended up featuring the same group XD If you want your favourite groups to be featured on the layouts, just comment on our download site ^^ Here are the previews!

Click to visit and download

DATE: 1/03/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages

01012012 : New Year

DATE: 1/01/2012 COMMENTS: ( 0 ) Messages