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You can leave a message by writing a comment below with your google account or site / url. Your comment will be a pending message until it's accepted, which will ASAP. 

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DATE: 7/01/2022 COMMENTS:
Hii Prism Snow has new updates
yay great to see youre back! beautiful layout as always :)
Welcome back! I love the new layout, it look amazing!
Hi, I love your layout so so much! I love TXT. I was reading the about section and I think it's so cool you have history from 2006 creating graphics for myspace to still creating asian group graphics now. Keep up the amazing work!
Love the updates, I really like how yall organized the pages by artist/groups. :)
Thank you for dropping :) I love your use of textures as well!
love your graphics <3
Hi, wanna be affies? love your graphics <33
Heya! Vizune is back up after about 4 years 😅 How you been? I was wondering if you would like to be affiliates again? Take care! 😃
Ast3rism.com got some new additions (a a new look a while back); come check if you want. :)
Hey Dorkistic team! I'm not having any resources on my site anymore, I hope that doesn't effect us being affiliates!
Happy Holidays I hope everything is well, a gift :) https://loveiszero.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Holiday2023-Dorkistic.png
Welcome back! ;D
love the new design :))
Hi ❤️ Pim Made the Header for me and I really fell in Love with it. But your Website is gorgeous ❤️ Love Your Layout too.
Hiya! No worries :) I'd still love to be affiliates, I'll add you today. Happy New Year and take care :D
Good to see you back! I'm doing good, busy busy last month. I hope you're doing well!💕
I still love your Site UwU' Oh and ik its late but happy new year :3
Ast3rism.com was updated with a new look and new additions; come take a peek.

love the design :)))
hi :) wishing you a happy easter <3

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