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Update: Team Dorkisic Wishes you Happy Holidays

Hello dear visitors
First of all team Dorkistic wishes you happy holidays, we haven't been that much active on the website this year due personal reasons and we are sorry for that. We hope everything has been well with all of you with our hiatus and we have some good news, we will be back,

we are currently cleaning up dorkistic at this moment and as usual we are gonna re-start with kpop profiles. so what are the changes? we have removed the kpop profile on the top navigation, we decided to make a whole menu as you can now click on the right sidebar (example ateez) and then you will find a whole page with their kpop profile and the stuff we have made such as icons, wallpapers and layouts and we will also be offering screencaps again.

However, we will not be taking any form of request, so no graphics or layout requests and also no screencap requests.

Be sure to visit us again, because we will be updating the website more! Also before anyone mentions it, we no longer put resources on the website, you can find anything we use with graphics for example wallpapers on the download on deviantart, we credit everything on the download at our deviantart.

Thank you Tiffany from Loveiszero for the xmas gift!. 

That was it for the updates for now, 
With regards, Team Dorkistic

DATE: 12/26/2023 COMMENTS:

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