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[UPDATE] New layout and Affie Sweeps

Hello everyone! How do you like the new layout? I spent two hours working on the design and coding them. It's just a recycle coding and I'm actually wanted to have a "classy" or "classic" look but somehow it doesn't turn that way XD I hope you still like the layout. It's featuring the talented Lunafly and this is a special edition layout in conjunction with their upcoming showcase in Malaysia and Singapore. The Malaysia Showcase will be organized by Inspire.ME while the Singapore showcase is brought to you by JNation Entertainment. The tickets are selling fast so you better get your tickets now. Apart from Malaysia, Inspire ME is also bringing Lunafly to Indonesia and we're expecting amazing stage from the boys in all three countries. While waiting for Lunafly, we would like to invite you guys to DMTN's first Singapore Showcase and also Youtube Heartrob, Jason Chen's Showcase organized by JNation Entertainment. Wow, K-Pop fans surely have busy weekends soon, starting with Twin Tower @Live 2013. We promise you to keep you updated with the upcoming event and we're thankful for your support since our day one. Yes, In two months, Dorkistic.Net will be seven years old!

With this new layout, we're doing some updates including affie sweeps. We will remove the inactive affies, and we will add new ones too. There will also be free advertising section coming up so you can prepare your website and once we open our advertising service, you can apply for free of charge. Keep on a lookout because we're changing our Twitter and Facebook layout too! Feel free to drop us a message or two via our chatbox. Do let us know if there are errors with the pages or anything weird-looking with the new layout XD Have a nice day!

DATE: 3/13/2013 COMMENTS:

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