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18102012 - Korean Invasion

Hello everyone! How are you doing? Looks like life has been very hectic in Dorkistic Crews' lives.. how about you? Along with our real-life job which are killing us, I just can't help but to notive Korean Invasion to Malaysia. So many idols came and are coming to our shore. Earlier this month, I went to meet B1A4 and A-Pink and last weekend, Nana Unnie went for Wonder Girls' concert. Coming up, there will be Big Bang, ZE:A, Lee Seunggi and the latest news I received, 2NE1!! oooyeah~! Any of you are coming to these event? Have you experienced attending K-Pop event? do share your stories by commenting in this post below ^^

Lately, I've been into making wallpapers. Well, simple wallpapers I must say tho XD last night, I made three wallpapers and more coming up this weekend along with 3 new free layouts, and MAY BE a new layout for Dorkistic.net as well XD By then, enjoy the wallpapers and have a great weekend!

DATE: 10/19/2012 COMMENTS:

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