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back and running!

Finally! *checking out the clock on my laptop* It's one and it means I spend 1.30hours to re-upload the new layout. Phew the sweats and the errors.. Thanks Blogger for replying my message and all. I hope you guys who have the same problem with me are doing fine now. Yeah. Blogger's new look is awesome! it's just that I'm the Classic user so I can't really have it in this site. Anyway, our F(x)'s layout is back and running okay I hope... I am still working on the LAYOUT page. the request is back running and I found a good host for all the files : Box.Net everyone? For those who come here for the fist time, welcome to Dorkistic and to the regulars, welcome back mate! ^^ I was so down yesterday because my little cat, Papi died. But life must go on. Papi! be a good boy up there yea =) The navigations are on top and if you're lost, just click our site's name up there to go back to the homepage.

Do keep yourself updated because a special page will be up in a minute and you have to be quick because the offer only valid for one month. So, what are the changes we have here on DD's 17th Revamp:
- VIAffies on every pages
- Affiliates check. Only those who replied at the Cbox will be listed here
- Layout Page will be up, listing our free blogskins.
- Worth Visiting sites is updated

and coming up:
- 5th Year Special page
- Button Maker! : for those who needs a quick link button for their sites.

And yeah, I think that's it for now, I shall stop here and continue working on the new pages. I leave you guys with this video:

~luv ya!

DATE: 5/18/2011 COMMENTS:

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