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Happy 2011!

Hello everyone! Dorkistic Design would like to wish you a Happy New Year! Okay, I'm going to be quick here. As you can see, this is a new layout from us. Well, a temporary layout because Nana Unnie is making a new one at the moment. I designed this at 4 in the morning after I finished downloading MBC's performance. I did it half way because I fell asleep while coding it. I will add more things and update the affiliate list later. The color is kinda weird I know XD ahahaha~ It features F.Cuz because I was listening to their Midnight Sun's album while browsing the internet last night.

I also just finished last week's request, but I have to delay uploading it until tonight because of few things. I'm sorry for the delay, especially those who requested for new year layout.

We are happy to celebrate another year with Dorkistic Design and all of you. thank you for your support so far and we will work harder to improve our services. And the best thing is, Pynkfaery is graduating this year!! weeeeee~ *proud umma mode*

Again, Happy New Year and I hope you guys will have a prosperous new year in 2011 and good luck for your future undertakings!

Signing Off,
Chazzie Umma

DATE: 1/01/2011 COMMENTS:

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