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We're Back!

*bows for 15 minutes*

Hello awesome visitors, lovely affies and beloved friends! Dorkistic Design would like to say HUGE SORRY for the unforgiveably long delay of your request. As you know, Imagehost.org is currently down but then when they're back, they are no longer hosting other files except images. Therefore, we need to find a new server for us to upload all your requests. After few days, we finally find FIlEDEN!! yayy!!!! thanks a lot.. we're yet to try them and this batch's pick up will be the first batch that's using fileden.com for the file host. I hope it works fine..

At the same time, we're having a rundown here on our server. The internet connection is currently bad T__T I hardly get to download even a single picture, and sometimes, I can't even read your request because the too-slow connection!

Anyway, finally, I've uploaded 8 pick-ups and updated the pending list. Thank you for your patience and I hope the rest will patiently wait for your request. And for the rest, just so you know, we are all back in action, and in the middle of another great makeover (REVAMP time!!)

thank you to those who joined ZE:A's project, and for your information, the KHJ fanmeeting has been cancelled. We are so sorry to inform you very late. However, we will still give you our special present.

Please show some love and visit us at FACEbook. just search DORKISTIC DESIGN and LIKE us XD We have challenges, and sometimes, freebies giveaways awaiting you there. you can also receive notifications and updates of our status there too. Do come and interact with the crews there!!!


1. So you love Ryeowook? Our talented Suju singer/songwriter/pianist??

2. Or you already fall for our banana Yoseob??

3. Or are you still keeping the faith??

More coming your way! hope you like them XD

DATE: 10/01/2010 COMMENTS:

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