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Hello visitors, friends and affies.. how are you? I hope you're enjoying your Friday night. I just uploaded my new covers on YT, and just checked my email. We've just received our 200th request since..February? It's not much but we're happy to serve each and every one of you. Today is like my spring cleaning day. I'm checking my inbox to see if there is nay email from you guys that I haven't answered, and even layouts that I haven't repaired. If you have problem with your layout, just email me yeah and I'll look into it. I'm still working on the request, and hopefully I can finish them tomorrow.

Did you see any difference in DD today? yeah, we sported new look! it's sad to let U-Kiss layout go..it's one of my favourite of all the layouts I've made for DD XD This time, we re-feature our legend, SUPER JUNIOR! hehe, the last time I featured them was in... edition 18? hhehhe~ I hope you like it. The CSS is pretty bright and have this happy and summer feeling. Wear shades yeah? heehe~

and last but not least, before I continue doing the requests, I present you 15 assorted Icons since we haven't give out any freebies lately aite? enjoy them!

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we have 1 challenge and 1 contest (you can win cute gifts sent to your house!) there... make sure to come and join yeah?


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DATE: 7/02/2010 COMMENTS:

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