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STATUS [edited 020509]

Hello! Today's a public holiday and I'm kinda busy doing the laundry and cooking for my family. It's only today that I managed to send the requested blogskin and checked on the new one. It feels weird tho'..I've been enjoying making posters that I become slower in making and coding the layout. I hope you guys love the layout that I made and feel free to contact us if you need help with the coding. and of course, a big thank you for all visitors...Anyway, below is Dorkistic's status for date May 1, 2009.

» AnnaSungmin ------Done------
» 4 Amanah ------Done------
» Purpleaxn95 ------Done------
» Joeveen ------Done------
» BWang ------Pending------
» Jojocrazee ------Done------
» PurpleAxn95 ------Done------
» AzainGurl96 ------Cancelled------
» Bobo ------Pending------
» for3v3r ------Pending------
» JaeLLie ------Done------
» Yummy-Greedy ------Done------

Those who receive my email and their request, please leave us a tag ^^

Enjoy your weekend!

DATE: 5/01/2009 COMMENTS:

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